About Vicky Stamatopoulou

Vicky Stamatopoulou works at ProjectWizards. She contributes to the MacPM.net blog, Merlin user forums, or other web spaces of ProjectWizards. The content provided is about Merlin or Mac usage, documentation, AppleScripting, or customization. Google+

Merlin 2.9.10 update available

A new update for the Merlin 2 project management application for Mac OS X is now available.
It is recommended for all Merlin 2 users as it contains a fix for a potential security problem in the update mechanism (Sparkle).
For more information related to the issue of the update mechanism please see here.

To update your Merlin 2, just call Merlin > Check for Updates…

PS: Merlin Project already contains the related fix in version 3.1.7

Merry X-mas MerlinPM !

From time to time even wizards do need a break. Therefore the ProjectWizards‘ office will be closed for the holiday season from December 24th until January 3rd. In case of emergency please send an e-mail to urgent@projectwizards.net.

ProjectWizards wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy, prosperous 2016!

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Merlin 2.9.9 for mac released

A new maintenance update for Merlin 2 users just got available. If already updated your Mac to El Capitan and use Merlin 2 for project management, you will be interested on updating now.

Fixed Issues:

  • When printing the header and footer were mirrored under OS X El Capitan (10.11).
  • The application could crash when a license was deactivated.
  • Under some circumstances the project calendar lost its working times.
  • The application could crash when running in full screen under OS X El Capitan (10.11)

Merlin 2 Server not yet certified for OS X El Capitan (10.11)!

Important information for Merlin users collaborating on projects using Merlin 2 Server.
Merlin 2 Server is not yet certified for OS X El Capitan! So please do not update your Mac to El Capitan at this point.

Please read hereafter the actualized information about the system requirements of Merlin 2 and Merlin 2 Server:
System requirements for Merlin 2 as single user version

  • Minimum OS X, Version 10.4.11
  • Maximum OS X El Capitan (10.11)

System requirements for Merlin 2 with Merlin 2 Server

  • Minimum OS X, Version 10.4.11
  • Maximum OS X Yosemite (10.10)

System requirements for Merlin 2 Server

  • Mac OS X, version 10.4.11 or newer
  • Mac OS X, version 10.10 recommended
  • Merlin 2 Server is not yet certified for OS X El Capitan (10.11)!