To transfer the scheduling of your Merlin project as events in or reminders in the you have two options: you can export or publish to iCal.
Exporting and publishing to iCal work for users of OS X Lion and earlier with iCal. For users of OS X Mountain Lion and newer they transfer to Apple’s and
To be more specific Merlin exports or syncs the complete project, and/or the resource assignments whereby if you choose to
- convert dates to All day events or those with times, the activities will be transferred as events in local calendars in the
- convert dates as todos, the activities will be listed in the
We have had however some support requests wanting to know how to export/sync just a selection or a subset of activities. Our answer is, there is no explicit function in Merlin exporting the selection, but you may of course right click the specific project structures, call “Save selection†out of the contextual menu, open the newly created project and export to iCal as todos.
If you want to do this by script, please read further.
We have already posted an Applescript transferring selected structures to  This script here, transferring selected activities to Reminders was inspired by a comment recorded on that post.
(* Scripting with Merlin 2 You may incorporate this ProjectWizards sample code into your program(s) without restriction. This ProjectWizards sample code has been provided "AS IS" and the responsibility for its operation is yours. You are not permitted to redistribute this ProjectWizards sample code as "ProjectWizards sample code" after having made changes. If you're going to redistribute the code, we require that you make it clear that the code was descended from ProjectWizards sample code, but that you've made changes. Copyright ©2014 ProjectWizards, Melle, Germany. All rights reserved. *) (* This script goes thought your current Merlin activities selection and transfers it to Reminders It checks for the existing Lists and offers the option to write into an existing list or to create a new one. Merlin > Reminders ---------------------------------- title > name priority > priority notes > body planned start date > due date Author: Vicky Stamatopoulou *) -- --------------------------- property pleaseMakeASelection : "Please select the activities you would like to handle." property whichList : "Select a reminder list in which the activities should be inserted or create a new list!" property overwriteOkButton : "Use selected" property overwriteCancelButton : "Create New" tell application "Merlin" activate set myselection to selected object of main window of document 1 as list if (count of myselection) is 0 then display dialog pleaseMakeASelection buttons {"Ok"} default button "Ok" else set doc to the first document set proj to root project of doc set TheMerlinProj to title of proj tell application "Reminders" -- collect all reminder lists to offer to the user set theLists to lists set theListNames to {} repeat with aList in lists set theListNames to theListNames & name of aList as list end repeat activate set aList to choose from list theListNames with prompt whichList OK button name "Use selected" cancel button name overwriteCancelButton without multiple selections allowed if aList is equal to false then -- a new reminder list is to be created set theList to every list whose name is TheMerlinProj if theList is {} then set theList to make new list with properties {name:TheMerlinProj} else set theList to make new list with properties {name:TheMerlinProj & " " & time string of (current date)} end if else -- an existing reminder list will be used set theList to every list whose name contains aList end if end tell set allActivities to myselection repeat with act in allActivities -- collect: title, priority, notes, planned start date, planned end date set TheTitle to title of act as text set ThePrio to priority of act set ThePrioNumber to 0 -- map a Merlin priority to Reminder priority levels -- property PriorityList : {{value:0, name:"None"}, {value:9, name:"Low"}, {value:5, name:"Medium"}, {value:1, name:"High"}} if ThePrio is very high priority then set ThePrioNumber to 1 if ThePrio is high priority then set ThePrioNumber to 1 if ThePrio is normal priority then set ThePrioNumber to 0 if ThePrio is very low priority then set ThePrioNumber to 9 if ThePrio is low priority then set ThePrioNumber to 9 set TheNotes to description of act if TheNotes is missing value then set TheNotes to "" if class of act is activity then try set TheStartDate to (planned start date of act) as date on error set TheStartDate to (expected start date of act) as date end try try set TheEndDate to (planned end date of act) as date on error set TheEndDate to (expected end date of act) as date end try -- create a reminder tell application "Reminders" to set myReminder to make new reminder in theList with properties {name:TheTitle, due date:TheStartDate, body:TheNotes, priority:ThePrioNumber} end if end repeat -- comment following row if you don't want the last inserted item to be opened tell application "Reminders" to show myReminder end if end tell
How can I reverse this process. I have reminders I am trying to get into Merlin.
You could use the script from the comment on following post: