Next Merlin Trainings in San Francisco and Los Angeles

We still have a few spots open for our Merlin Trainings in San Francisco on 1/24-25 and Los Angeles on 1/30-31.

ProjectWizards CEO Frank Blome will be in town and co-teaching these two special sessions. This only happens once a year so don’t miss your chance to learn about Merlin from the original ProjectWizard!

For registration and more information please check:

Managing Projects with Merlin in San Francisco
Managing Projects with Merlin in Los Angeles

Merlin Training in Los Angeles

Another two days training for Merlin will start today in Los Angeles. The session will be hosted by CoLoft in Santa Monica. David Prior – PM, CSM and president of ProjectWizards Inc - will ensure by a mix of lecture, demonstration and practical exercises that each and every participant leaves with a solid understanding of how to make the best possible use of Merlin.

If interested in other Merlin Training, please check our next offer for Austin Texas:

Remember: ProjectWizards also offers training options that include onsite and virtual learning. For additional information you may contact us via email or phone at (405)7085646.