Merlin – secure projects and access over the iPhone or iPad app

We have wrote in the past how to secure your Merlin projects when wanting them to be accessed over the web by a supported web browser.

Are you wondering how to proceed when requiring password protected access over the iPhone or iPad app?

The answer is… very similar to how you do for web sharing and access.
On your Mac with Merlin for Mac OS X…

  • You create a resource in case you haven’t one already in your project.
  • You enable its ‘is user’ flag and enter a password.
  • You enable the project setting ‘hide from anonymous users’ for more privacy.
  • Save your project and enable iPhone sharing.

On your Merlin app on the iPhone or iPad

  • You ‘login’ by the appropriate user and password first
  • you see Merlin Server refreshing its list up authentication
  • and tap the project afterwards to access it from your app.

For those of you preferring pictures over words, check out the following screencasts. Continue reading

Understanding connection requests

Collaboration is essential in project management. Merlin supports PMs in their every day work in that it allows collaboration to their projects over 3 kinds of interfaces. Once a project has been shared with either Merlin for Mac OS X or Merlin Server, it may be accessed by other Merlin for Mac OS X applications (acting as clients), supported web browsers or iOS devices.

How does this work?
The short answer is: “easily“. For the longer answer please read here Continue reading

Merlin Server – enabling iPhone sharing

enable MerlinServerWe have described in a previous post how to share projects for iPhones, iPads and iPod touches with Merlin for Mac OS X. Now we would like to show how this happens when using MerlinServer.
But a bit of theory first. iPhone sharing on MerlinServer…

  • uses the same port defined in the settings of Web service. Per default 7080 for tcp protocol.
  • the “Forward in router” option in the Web tab influences its address as well.
  • requires an enabled Project Sharing service.

Now to the practical part… Continue reading

Merlin & Merlin iPhone – how to share projects for iPhone

publishIn Merlin documentation, online help and various other web spaces one can read how to share projects for the iPhone when using Merlin for Mac OS X. The procedure is straight forwards. You open the projects in Merlin for Mac OS X, you call the publishing dialog by a click onto the yellow horn symbol, and start iPhone sharing.

  1. In case both Mac (with Merlin sharing the project) and iPhone are logged into the same LAN, you may use on the iPhone the Merlin *Server* automatically discovered over Bonjour and shown in the Servers list of Merlin iPhone app.
  2. Continue reading

Merlin iPhone 1.1 with support for iPad is out!


The new version 1.1 of Merlin iPhone comes with support for iPhone 4 and iPad. The handling of the mobile Merlin does not change, it’s still the same ease of use. The new version is optimized for the Retina Display of the iPhone 4 and the bigger iPad display.

Merlin iPhone can be downloaded for free from the Apple App Strore. With the new update Merlin iPhone supports all versions of iPhone, iPad touch and iPad. More information about Merlin iPhone can be found on our website in the “Products” section.