Merlin – Do a bit of Magic in Reports – Part X

Those of you who have checked our new post series about “Merlin report templates” know by now…

Now let’s do some magic with the reports.

What if you want to report resources work cost per phase?
We have used snippets from previous report templates posted in this series and related thread of Merlin’s user forum in Google.
In the WBL we mainly output all resources in the header of the table. This is possible over the following method in the Python script

And related WBL code iterating their titles

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Merlin – Do a bit of magic in reports – Part VII

Those of you who have checked our new post series about “Merlin report templates” know by now…

Now let’s do some magic with the reports.

What if you want to report the project’s name in the Next Due Activities report?

Merlin delivers a template for “Next Due Activities” report which is based in XSLT. When editing this report template in order to get the value of the “project” for a task, you will see that it is not very easy to browse up the related xml node and locate the name of the parent project. To work around this issue, we simply modified the “classic report” python report to output the desired information.  You may download  it from here. An output sample: Continue reading

Merlin – Do a bit of magic in reports – Part V

Those of you who have checked our new post series about “Merlin report templates” know by now…

Now let’s do some magic with the reports.

What if you want to report expected work costs per role for your resources?

You may download and use a report template we just created. Here an output sample:

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Merlin – Do a bit of magic in reports – part II

Those of you who have checked our new post series about “Merlin report templates” know by now…

Now let’s do some magic with the reports.


What if you want to be able to define the size of the project image over the options?

In the standard Merlin report templates, you have the option of enabling the “project image”. Should you choose to output the project image, Merlin checks in the “Misc” tab of the project settings whether you have defined such a file and renders it then into the report page in original size.

In case you have a much too large project image which you definitely need on your report, you would have to scale down the original picture  and re-drop it in the project settings dialogue.

To avoid re-scaling, or to be able to do reports for different clients and projects but in a standard way, you may insert an option in the report template and re-size your project images accordingly.

Your workflow

  • You define a new dict in the info.plist as…
 <string>Project Image Scale</string>
 <key>possibleValues</key> Continue reading 

Merlin – Do a bit of magic in reports

Those of you who have checked our new post series about “Merlin report templates” know by now…

Now let’s do some magic with the reports.

  • What if you want to map a status or flag information to a graphic file?
  • What if you want to be able to define the size of the project image over the options?

What if you want to map a status or flag information to a graphic file?

If your report is an xslt report, just proceed as shown in the “Next due Activities” report for the ‘Status’ and ‘MS’ column.

That means, just do a test for the value you want to check and add an image html tag accordingly:

<xsl:if test="flagStatus = 'red'">
   <img src="rsc/red.png" />

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