Jogger thoughts…

Hi, this is me Perri…

funny things one might think while he or she is jogging… Today as I was running around the lake in the park,  I thought about using Merlin to plan my next training. I need start and end stages, phases with estimated work duration and some milestones, all linked together by finish to start. As resource I have to define me, but also equipment like iphone, running shoes, etc. and do the appropriate assignments.  I could even share the project for the iPhone and enter the actuals online while running. This way I would know exactly how much time I really need for each phase and plan the next training more efficiently.

So half way around the lake, here is how I thought my Merlin project can look like…


And the longer I was thinking about it, the less I was noticing my aching knees 🙂

4 thoughts on “Jogger thoughts…

  1. Wow! I’m surprised you’re able to go to the hour with Merlin. I read elsewhere on this site last year that it wasn’t possible. Is this the new version, or was it just that the spirit of PM is to NOT go by hours? Very cool. Please post set up instructions to get it to view at hour increments.

  2. Hi Anthony,
    well, I don’t know whether the spirit of PM is NOT to go by hours, I have simply set the “calculated durations” project setting (in General tab) to “Hours” and entered my activities in hours or minutes: I mean as 0,2 hours, or 45 min

    That was all 🙂

  3. Pingback: Jogger thoughts – Part II » MacPM

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