How do I set the default currency of a Merlin project to Euro. It always shows GBP.
The currency symbol of a Merlin project is saved in the project settings; File > Project Settings > General > Currency Symbol.
You can define it as required. This change applies for the specific project you are currently editing.
The currency symbol for new empty projects defaults to the currency symbol of your Mac OS X preference pane: Language & Text > Region > Currency.
So when creating new projects you can:
- change the Currency in the “Region” tab of your Mac OS X preference pane to Euro,
- restart Merlin
- and create a new empty project,
- keep the British Pound Sterling in your preference pane,
- call in Merlin File > New Project,
- select ‘Empty Project’ in the ‘New Project from Template’ assistant
- click on ‘Next’
- and enter there the desired currency symbol for the new project.
- Open your templates
- Edit them to have the desired currency symbol
- Save
- Create new projects using the modified templates; File  > New Project > your template