Exceptional working intervals

Hi, this is me Perri…

there has been a while ever since I have started my internship by ProjectWizards and in the meanwhile I have been taught the basics about Merlin or how to setup a project.  So I know how to create new projects, or templates, to define project calendars, to refine if needed these of the resources, to assign exceptions for free-days and to display or not the non working days on the Gantt chart separately for each row.

One thing I fully oversaw until now, was that the exceptions do not really need to be defined as complete days.  I mean if the assigned personal had to go home earlier because it felt sick but managed to work the first 3 hours of a specific day, here is how you can keep track of this fact in Merlin.

You identify the resource in the ‘Resource Well’ or the ‘Resources’ view, switch to the ‘Inspector’ and the ‘Calendar’ tab. Click the ‘Exceptions’ button and create an entry for the specific day. In the bottom of the tab, you see the “Work intervals” area displayed in grey. Meaning Merlin accepts this exception day as  a complete day off. Now use the mouse to define a work interval from 8 am to 11 am .

That’s it. Merlin knows as of now, that the resource had a chance of working for these 3 hours and recalculates the new planned duration for the concerned assigned activities accordingly.

Cool, isn’t? 🙂