When Merlin creates a report for an existing project, it places per default a “project stamp” as a report header. The project stamp lists project relevant information such as its name, planned start, planned end, expected start, expected  end, and the objective. If necessary you may disable the display of the project stamp in the report options, but how or where can you edit the project’s objective?
When you create a new project out of a project template you can enter the objective in the “Objective” pane of the “New project” assistant.
If you want to actualize the objective text of an existing project later on, simply click onto the top-most activity in the outline, switch to the “Notes” pane of the “Inspector” and edit the text there.
If you have not entered any text at all for your project objective on project creation, simply type the objective text into the “Notes” pane and save your project. Merlin will use this text the next time you create a new report.
This is nice, but the reports imply I can print the Objective without the Stamp. This is not true. I can print the Stamp without the Objective, but not the other way around. Technically, the product should allow you to remove the Stamp and leave the Objective or it should clear the Objective checkbox in the report and make it read-only if Stamp is not to be displayed.
Hi Raymond and thanks for your comment 🙂
How do the reports imply that you can print the objective without the stamp? In the project settings for example, you can enable or disable the time stamp, the project objective won’t get mentioned, as it is part of the time stamp. Can you please explain your point?
On the other hand, I understand that you would like a setting for ‘objective’ yes or not and another for ‘the rest of the stamp’ yes or not.
This is a feature request which we can forward to the management for future reports.
Thanks again 🙂
Thank you for the response. 🙂
All I meant was the Objective check box is active when the Stamp has been clicked to the ‘off’ position, when in reality the Objective is not visible if the Stamp is not visible. Therefore, it would make more sense to toggle Objective off if Stamp is off as you cannot have the Objective displayed without the Stamp being turned on.
I hope that makes more sense. It isn’t really a defect or even a noteworthy enhancement request; just a tidbit that could cause confusion.
Thanks again! This is a great product!
Oh…. now I know what you mean… in the ‘classic report’, you can enable the display of the objective AND the project stamp, BUT the objective won’t show up in case the project stamp is disabled….
We forward this information to the management, as change request for similar settings in reports.
In the ‘Next due activities’ report, which was the report sample in this blog post, there is not an option to display the project objective or not.
Thank’s for making your point clear 🙂