Merlin: Applescript toggle predecessor to successor

AppleScriptThe other day we received the following feature request in support:

I’d like to be able to switch a predecessor of an activity, to become a successor to that activity easily (like a menu choice or key stroke). My intent is to easily and quickly rearrange the time sequence of a small group of tasks.

Of course this wish got forwarded to the development, but why waiting when you can script Merlin?

We wrote a small Applescript handling a selected ‘finish to start’ linkage, which you can download here

You can select a ‘finish to start’ linkage line, start the script*, the script reads the predecessor and successor activities, removes the linkage and creates a new ‘finish to start’ linkage from former successor to former predecessor.

You may choose to sort by ‘expected start’ and freeze the sort order afterwards.

Enjoy or modify as you like, but please drop us a line, incase you find this helpful.

*) Read here how to put it in the SendToMenu directory to have it available under ‘File > Send To’ menu.

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