Does Merlin work with MS Project files?

Yes it does. If you work in a MS Project environment, you can import and export MS Projects files for sharing or using Merlin’s web module to collaborate with other non Merlin users

  • How to import a MS Project file.
  • How to export to a MS Project file.

The following limitations exist when exporting to MS Project

  • Activities:
    • The activity budgets and the base costs are not exported.
    • From the four date restrictions, which Merlin offers per activity, a maximum of one is exported.
    • The start and end of an activity are always exported in the same direction (ASAP, ALAP).
    • The percentage values of durations and work are exported with absolute values.
    • Work values are always exported only in the “hours” unit.
    • The behavior of the “Optimize Duration” button of an activity cannot be displayed in the export.
    • Date restrictions and dependencies of assignments are not exported.
    • Linked projects are exported as one project.
    • At present the following columns are not exported: Remaining Work, Actual Work, Actual Work Overtime, Last Report Date
    • Description text are exported without the formatting.
    • In the mpx format, material resources are exported as work resources.
    • The WBS code format cannot be exported.
    • The user info fields are not exported.
    • The resource leveling values are not exported.
  • Resources
    • The reasons for calendar exceptions are not exported.
  • Elements
    • Elements are not exported.

4 thoughts on “Does Merlin work with MS Project files?

  1. My office uses PC’s but I use a Mac at home, and I shelled out to get Merlin so I could continue my planning job at odd hours.

    I’m having issues with the import function. I’ve tried several ways to import Project files to Merlin. First, I just tried opening the Project file, and then I tried first saving the Project file as an .xml file and then opening that .xml file. In both cases, the dates were all over the place, but not predictably so. Same project, different file format, neither imported correctly and each had different date errors compared to the other.

  2. Please try the latest version of Merlin, we’ve published the update to 2.7.9 yesterday. If this still does not work properly, please contact the support team at .

  3. Hi

    I work on PC but my project manager works on Merlin on mac. When i try opening the .xml file on my PC it tells me it is not a valid Win32 application. When I open it in .mpp then all the dates are wrong, which then obviously gives me a different critical path etc.

    I am running microsoft project 2010. Please let me know if there is a solution to this or if I shouldl just get a mac and use Merlin. If a mac is the better option to avoid future problems that I may not pick up at the beginning oof the project then thats fine.



  4. Hello Kristy,

    you can save your MS Project file as mpp file and give it your Manager using Merlin, Merlin can import mpp files from contemporary MS Project versions.

    When you Manager sends you a file, it should be saved by Merlin over File > Export > MS Project > XML.

    The warning about the Win32 application on windows is kind of funny, as this xml is not an application to be run, it contains data.
    To open an XML MS Project file, click in MS Project the ‘File’ tab and then click on “Browse”. Define the file type to “XML” and select the file

    For more information please check:

    If this is not working for you, you should check and make sure your Manager is using the latest Merlin version. He or she may also contact our support at. Our addresses are shown in the support page

    Best regards, Vicky

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