Applescript – Merlin to Evernote

AppleScriptMerlin integrates easily with lots of other Mac and Windows applications. You can import, export, sync but also use applescript to connect between applications.

We’ve posted an Evernote > Merlin applescript in the past. It allows you to select notes in Evernote and import them to Merlin as file attachments to be able to view them offline and have them as part of your Merlin project.

This script is for those of you who want to transfer activities from Merlin to Evernote and create notes from an existing Merlin project. It goes throughout all activities of the top most opened project, checks if they already been synced to Evernote, if not it creates a note in related Evernote notebook, and writes there the content of the notes, names the note as the Merlin task, set expected end date of the task as creation date for the note (so one can check for it) and writes into Merlin project in the ‘additional title’ column the id of the note in Evernote in order for the script to be able to identify duplicates by re-transfers.

We don’t see how we can overwrite existing note content by applescript, so we tell the script to report existing notes and not to change them.

Feel free to download this Merlin to Evernote applescript and modify the sample as you find fitting your workflow needs at best.

	This script goes throught all activities of the top most opened project, checks if they already been synced to Evernote, if not it creates a note in related Evernote notebook, and writes there the content of the notes, names the note as the Merlin task, set expected end date of the task as creation date for the note (and also as subject's date). 
	Written by Vicky Stamatopoulou
	For ProjectWizards
	Jun 3, 2013

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Things to Merlin – Transfer selected todos to Merlin on another mac

We have posted information for transferring activities from Merlin to Things and todos from Things to Merlin. Mentioned approaches require both applications (Merlin and Things) to be installed on the same mac.

But… how to proceed if you want to transfer your data to another Mac where you may have installed Merlin, or when wanting to forward to a PM using Merlin? By a similar approach.

Just use another AppleScript we specifically wrote, which reads the selected todos from Things and writes in a Merlin XML file, which you can open in Merlin by drag&drop. For an easy file transfer, the script creates an email message and attaches the Merlin file.  Cool, isn’t?


  • Just download the applescript
  • Expand the zip archive
  • Install the contained AppleScripts into the ‘Things Scripts’ directory
    /Users/[your user name]/Library/Containers/com.culturedcode.things/Data/Library/Application Support/Cultured Code/Things Scripts/
  • Restart your Things


    Work in Things. Create todos in Things and name them. Add on those todos, if required, due dates, tags, notes and may click the todos to define that they are completed


  1. Start your Things and view your todos
  2. Select the todos to be transferred
  3. Call the script “Things > Mail > Merlin” from the scripts menu of Things
  4. Enter the email address of the recipient in the mail message which is automatically created in and contains a Merlin-XML file
  5. Send the mail message.
  6. As the recipient of this mail… Drag the XML file as displayed in the email message onto the activities area of an opened Merlin project.


    The todos will be inserted as activities in the Merlin project.

Merlin Server – get the direct URL to open a shared project

Is there a way to have a URL that takes you directly to a project shared by Merlin Server?

Just select the project in Merlin Server‘s ‘Projects’ view
click onto the ‘Link’ button to get its direct URL.

Select the URL as shown on the dialogue

and copy.
If you now enter this direct URL in a web browser, you will access the project without viewing first the start page listing other projects.

Applescript – MS Excel to Merlin

Can I import a selected range of cell from an MS EXCEL sheet into Merlin as tasks?

Merlin can import various file formats.  For a complete list please check related topic in Merlin online help.

The official way to import MS EXCEL documents is to save them as csv files, and to open the csv file in Merlin in a second step.

  • So you select in MS EXCEL File > Save as… > Comma Separated Values (.csv)
  • You drag the csv text file to Merlin’s project listing and
  • map the fields of the csv files to Merlin columns.
  • Merlin will then import the file into the existing project.

To quicken things however, we have created a small Applescript sample, which handles the current MS EXCEL selection, goes through its rows and enters them as tasks into an existing Merlin project.

If interested, feel free to download, use or modify as you like.  Continue reading

Applescript – MS Word to Merlin

Can I import a selected list of activities from a MS Word document into Merlin as tasks?

Merlin can import various file formats.  For a complete list please check related topic in Merlin online help.

MS Word documents are most commonly used for long texts and maybe project or task scope description. Lists are usually recorded in MS Excel, GTD applications, or even mindmapping software. To import tasks out of an MS Word document, you should export it into a compatible format.

  • So you select in MS Word File > Save as… > Plain Text
  • MS Word prompts for the desired formatting and encoding
  • You save the file
  • You drag the plain text file to Merlin’s project listing and
  • map the field in the plain text to Merlin’s <title> column.
  • Merlin will then import the list into the existing project.

To quicken things however, we have created a small Applescript sample, which handles the current MS Word selection, goes through its paragraphs and enters them as tasks into an existing Merlin project.

If interested, feel free to download, use or modify as you like.  Continue reading