Those of you who have checked our new post series about “Merlin report templates” know by now…

Now let’s do some magic with the reports.

Report issues
To report issues recorded in your Merlin project, you may use the Classic Report (File > New Report > Classic Report), disable other outputted areas and enable just the Issues part.  It will output only issues needed to be fixed.

This is another template outputting just issues. You may choose to output all remaining issues, those already fixed, those in progress, or unassigned and of course rejected ones, and to restrict if required the output to issues for which a specific resource is responsible.

Feel free to check the contained python file ‘’, “MERIssuesReport.wbl” or “Info.plist” to see how we group the output to the above named categories or how the options are defined. Feel free to modify this custom report further as you require for your needs.

An output sample: Continue reading


Those of you who have checked our new post series about “Merlin report templates” know by now…

Now let’s do some magic with the reports.

Report element costs by type
Should you choose to record costs on elements of Merlin projects and define the cost type, you may want to have a report outputting costs by type.

So you need to get first all elements of a project. Following python method does so, excludes private elements…

Continue reading


Those of you who have checked our new post series about “Merlin report templates” know by now…

Now let’s do some magic with the reports.

Report billable costs entered on elements
Costs entered on elements may or may not be billable to your customers. This report may output such costs in a table.

So you need to get first all elements of a project. Following python method does so and excludes private elements.

Continue reading

Applescript – Evernote to Merlin

Merlin project management software integrates easily with lots of other Mac and Windows applications. For some applications you need to export/import files, with others you simply sync from Merlin. If you use Evernote to record your notes and want to transfer them to Merlin, you may now do so, by the use of the following script sample created in AppleScript.

It reacts on the Evernote selection and transfers selected notes to Merlin. Just select the notes you want to transfer in Evernote, call the script and see selected notes transferred in the top most opened Merlin project as file elements. Those elements can be then viewed even without connection to the Evernote account or the Evernote app on your Mac and are now part of your project.

Download: Evernote > Merlin AppleScript sample

Update on Jan 16th, 2013: Activated an alert informing about the inserted elements. Saved the AppleScript application as Applescript to avoid issues with Lion and Mountain Lion Gatekeeper.

Applescript – Access elements

This is a small “how to” showing how to access elements in Merlin projects over Applescript.

If you want to access all elements of a currently opened Merlin project:

tell application "Merlin"
	set proj to root project of document 1
	set myElements to deep elements of proj
	repeat with aObj in myElements
              get aObj
        end repeat
end tell

If you want to access elements of the currently selected activity rows:

tell application "Merlin"
	set myselection to selected object of main window of document 1 as list
	repeat with aObj in myselection
               get element of aObj as list
		--to iterate in them
                repeat with anElement in element of aObj as list
                      display dialog title of aObj & ": " & title of anElement
		end repeat
	end repeat
end tell

elements of… asks for the elements attached on the object itself. While deep elements of… asks also for elements attached in sub objects as well.