Claiming PDUs for Merlin Training

If you are a member of the Project Management Institute and would like to receive PDUs for taking our Managing Projecs with Merlin training, you are able to receive 16 PDUs for the 2-day session. ProjectWizards is not currently a PMI Registered Education Provider (REP), so in order to receive the PDUs you will have to self-report them and list them as Continuing Education.

To claim PDUs for our class you will need to log into PMI’s website ( and go to the myPMI section. Once you are logged into your myPMI area you can select to Report PDUs. The PDU Category to select is Cat B: Continuing Education. Then click the Next button and enter the Program Title:  Managing Projects with Merlin, the dates of the class you took, and 16 hours for the number of hours completed. You can select each of the Process groups. For Industry, just select your industry since Merlin applies to all of them.  If the class you took was given in the U.S or Canada by ProjectWizards, Inc., our Provider Name is ProjectWizards, Inc.  the business address is 80 Pine Street, Floor 24, New York, NY 10005. The URL is

If you have taken the class outside North America, or with one of our partners, then you would list them using the Provider Name of the organization that provided your training and include the related information that is requested.


Merlin Training in Los Angeles

Another two days training for Merlin will start today in Los Angeles. The session will be hosted by CoLoft in Santa Monica. David Prior – PM, CSM and president of ProjectWizards Inc - will ensure by a mix of lecture, demonstration and practical exercises that each and every participant leaves with a solid understanding of how to make the best possible use of Merlin.

If interested in other Merlin Training, please check our next offer for Austin Texas:

Remember: ProjectWizards also offers training options that include onsite and virtual learning. For additional information you may contact us via email or phone at (405)7085646.

Merlin Training in San Francisco

Four hours ago started the second and last day of our Merlin Training in San Francisco. The session – held by Prior,  president of ProjectWizards Inc – leverages traditional project management best practices for Merlin users. The class format is a mix of lecture, demonstration, and practical exercises in order to reinforce the lessons and ensure that each participant leaves with a solid understanding of how to make the best possible use of Merlin.

According to Frank Blome, who is also there, first day was awesome, and the participants are very motivated to learn how to effectively use Merlin for managing their projects.

Merlin Training in San Francisco, Dave Prior and Participants

The class was hosted by Next Space, which provided the professional infrastructure. Continue reading

Agile Project Management (CSM) training done done

Last week the first ProjectWizards’ training for Agile Project Management took place. Dave Prior CST and President of ProjectWizards, Inc., held the 2 days course in Duesseldorf – Germany. Participants who successfully completed this course understand now:

  • The dynamics of the Scrum framework and how to make use of the practices necessary to realize the benefits of an Agile approach
  • How to begin developing a plan to implement Scrum in their current work environment
  • The differences between Agile and a traditional “waterfall” approach to leading projects
  • The basic differences that are necessary in leadership style when managing projects using Scrum as opposed to a traditional approach

some impressions of the CSM course
We encourage all attendies to visit and complete their online CSM evaluation.

More training possibilities by Dave Prior: Managing Projects with Merlin

As for myself, Continue reading