Managing Projects with Merlin – Training offers

This is quick update about new Merlin Training offers and options.

Managing Projects with Merlin - Public classes

Merlin Training

Online Merlin Training

  • 4 sessions
    first session
    Aug 20th
  • 8 sessions – you may book all sessions or just as many as you require
    first session July 9th

Above trainings are hosted by our Merlin Certified Partners in USA (TechPal and SmartSource IT) and UK (LgoKnowledge Ltd).

Find more about the Merlin Trainings offers here >

Meet Frank Blome for a Merlin training

During the WWDC our CEO, Frank Blome, will attend and speak at a Merlin training in San Francisco.

We’ve planned it as a two days event. If you already know the basics of Merlin however, feel free to book just the second day of this Merlin training. The cost of the course will be $700 per person, per day or $1200 for both days combined. We offer early bird discount and special discounts to Educators and Students.

Another aspect of this training is to certify our partners, who are going to hold the training; Raffi Patatian from SmartSource IT and Atul Gupta from TechPal. For more information on the Merlin training and details please send an email or see here.


Next Merlin Trainings in San Francisco and Los Angeles

We still have a few spots open for our Merlin Trainings in San Francisco on 1/24-25 and Los Angeles on 1/30-31.

ProjectWizards CEO Frank Blome will be in town and co-teaching these two special sessions. This only happens once a year so don’t miss your chance to learn about Merlin from the original ProjectWizard!

For registration and more information please check:

Managing Projects with Merlin in San Francisco
Managing Projects with Merlin in Los Angeles

Merlin Training in San Francisco

Four hours ago started the second and last day of our Merlin Training in San Francisco. The session – held by Prior,  president of ProjectWizards Inc – leverages traditional project management best practices for Merlin users. The class format is a mix of lecture, demonstration, and practical exercises in order to reinforce the lessons and ensure that each participant leaves with a solid understanding of how to make the best possible use of Merlin.

According to Frank Blome, who is also there, first day was awesome, and the participants are very motivated to learn how to effectively use Merlin for managing their projects.

Merlin Training in San Francisco, Dave Prior and Participants

The class was hosted by Next Space, which provided the professional infrastructure. Continue reading