Applescript – Transfer selected activities to Reminders

To transfer the scheduling of your Merlin project as events in or reminders in the you have two options: you can export or publish to iCal.

Exporting and publishing to iCal work for users of OS X Lion and earlier with iCal. For users of OS X Mountain Lion and newer they transfer to Apple’s and

To be more specific Merlin exports or syncs the complete project, and/or the resource assignments whereby if you choose to

  • convert dates to All day events or those with times, the activities will be transferred as events in local calendars in the
  • convert dates as todos, the activities will be listed in the

We have had however some support requests wanting to know how to export/sync just a selection or a subset of activities. Our answer is, there is no explicit function in Merlin exporting the selection, but you may of course right click the specific project structures, call “Save selection” out of the contextual menu, open the newly created project and export to iCal as todos.

If you want to do this by script, please read further. Continue reading

Merlin – Do a bit of Magic in Reports – Part XV

Those of you who have checked our new post series about “Merlin report templates” know by now…

Now let’s do some magic with the reports.

Report Events
To report events recorded in your Merlin project, you may customize the Elements area, click an Event row and call File > Print > PDF…

Should you like a report template, here is one outputting non private Events defined in your Merlin project.

Feel free to check the contained python file ‘’, “MEREventsReport.wbl” or “Info.plist” to see how we ask for elements of kind ‘Event’, or how we iterate in their properties for the output. Feel free to modify this custom report further as you require for your needs.

An output sample: Continue reading

How to manage your business…

… using a Mac. This is the title of the next event of the next Mac for Business event. You can learn more about managing your business on a Mac. Whether you’re an existing Mac user or thinking about switching you will find our events beneficial.

On 14th September 2011 they will demonstrate project management and customer relationship management using Merlin and Daylite for Mac, iPhone and iPad.

Location: AT Computer Worcester, 57 Broad Street, Worcester, WR1 3LY
More information and registration details can be found at

Mac for Business

Our friend and partner LgoKnowledge Ltd promotes very successfully solutions over the web for running a business using a Mac and iOS devices. Users of Merlin, Daylite, Billings or MoneyWorks have probably already checked their blog and offers in the past.

LgoKnowledge Ltd scheduled now a series of events. First one will take place next Wednesday (27th July) at AT Computers Swansea.

If you are a Project Manager and located near Swansea, don’t miss it.

At this event they will demonstrate project management and customer relationship management using Merlin and Daylite for Mac, iPhone and iPad.

Please check for more information on this or coming events on ‘Mac for Business’ events’ page


ProjectWizards sponsors Cirque du Mac 8

Once again this year ProjectWizards is proud to be a sponsor of Cirque du Mac at Macworld 2011!

Cirque Du Mac 8

Cirque du Mac is “the Greatest Party of the Year”. We’re going and we’d like to bring some Gantthead folks along. If you’ll be in San Francisco on the evening of Thursday, January 27 and would like to spend your night rocking out to the MacWorld All-Star Band while you watch the trapeze girl dangle from the ceiling, just send an email to and tell us your Weapons of Choice as a Mac based Project Manager. We’ll randomly select 10 of you and provide you with a pass to attend the event as a guest of ProjectWizards. Take your chance for a beer with Dave Prior or Frank Blome!