Applescript – Transfer selected activities to Reminders

To transfer the scheduling of your Merlin project as events in or reminders in the you have two options: you can export or publish to iCal.

Exporting and publishing to iCal work for users of OS X Lion and earlier with iCal. For users of OS X Mountain Lion and newer they transfer to Apple’s and

To be more specific Merlin exports or syncs the complete project, and/or the resource assignments whereby if you choose to

  • convert dates to All day events or those with times, the activities will be transferred as events in local calendars in the
  • convert dates as todos, the activities will be listed in the

We have had however some support requests wanting to know how to export/sync just a selection or a subset of activities. Our answer is, there is no explicit function in Merlin exporting the selection, but you may of course right click the specific project structures, call “Save selection” out of the contextual menu, open the newly created project and export to iCal as todos.

If you want to do this by script, please read further. Continue reading

Things to Merlin – Transfer selected todos to Merlin

This is a  dream come true for Merlin and Things users: Merlin and Things can finally work together.

With just a few clicks you can now export Merlin activities as todos to Things or import todos from Things as activities into Merlin. The two market-leading applications for project management and personal task management on Mac are finally not only complementary on paper but also in practice. An easy and self-explanatory data exchange workflow, implemented in AppleScript, makes this possible.

This article describes the installation procedure of the scripts and the workflows we specifically defined in the latest Merlin 2.7.9 update for the following 2 use cases:

Prepare your Todos in Things and install the scripts

1. Use case „Transfer tasks to Merlin on the same Mac“

2. Use case „Transfer tasks to Merlin on another Mac“


Work in Things. Create todos in Things and name them. Add on those todos, if required, due dates, tags, notes and may click the todos to define that they are completed


  • Download
  • the scripts

  • Expand the zip archive
  • Copy contained AppleScript Application Packages into the ‘Things Scripts’ directory
    /Users/[your user name]/Library/Containers/com.culturedcode.things/Data/Library/Application Support/Cultured Code/Things Scripts/


  • Restart your Things

Continue reading

Merlin – Creating Milestones out of iCal todos

With Merlin you can create proffessional project schedules. You can export or sync your tasks to iCal and have them in you calendar application. We have posted an AppleScript showing how one could export the tasks of the current selection.

You also know how to import an iCal calendar as exceptions to your project or resource’s calendar.

Creating tasks out of an iCal calendar is also possible by an AppleScript we wrote and posted here.

But what should you do, if you have entered lots of Todos in your iCal calendar and need these in Merlin? The short answer is: “Use an AppleScript”. The longer – because it contains the script as well – is, you can modify the script we have posted for transferring iCal events as tasks to Merlin so that it additionally handles iCal Todos. As todos have no duration, we decided to define them in Merlin as milestones. To make a long story shorter again, just check the following script:

	This script requires iCal. It prompts the list of your iCal calendars for you to select the calendar out of which new tasks should be created in Merlin. It writes in the top most opened Merlin project.
	Version 1.0
        Written by Vicky Stamatopoulou
	For ProjectWizards
	Nov 3, 2010

	version 1.01
	changed on Jan 17, 2011
	changed by Vicky Stamatopoulou
	info: added support for todos, they will get created as milestones

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