Things to Merlin – Transfer selected todos to Merlin on another mac

We have posted information for transferring activities from Merlin to Things and todos from Things to Merlin. Mentioned approaches require both applications (Merlin and Things) to be installed on the same mac.

But… how to proceed if you want to transfer your data to another Mac where you may have installed Merlin, or when wanting to forward to a PM using Merlin? By a similar approach.

Just use another AppleScript we specifically wrote, which reads the selected todos from Things and writes in a Merlin XML file, which you can open in Merlin by drag&drop. For an easy file transfer, the script creates an email message and attaches the Merlin file.  Cool, isn’t?


  • Just download the applescript
  • Expand the zip archive
  • Install the contained AppleScripts into the ‘Things Scripts’ directory
    /Users/[your user name]/Library/Containers/com.culturedcode.things/Data/Library/Application Support/Cultured Code/Things Scripts/
  • Restart your Things


    Work in Things. Create todos in Things and name them. Add on those todos, if required, due dates, tags, notes and may click the todos to define that they are completed


  1. Start your Things and view your todos
  2. Select the todos to be transferred
  3. Call the script “Things > Mail > Merlin” from the scripts menu of Things
  4. Enter the email address of the recipient in the mail message which is automatically created in and contains a Merlin-XML file
  5. Send the mail message.
  6. As the recipient of this mail… Drag the XML file as displayed in the email message onto the activities area of an opened Merlin project.


    The todos will be inserted as activities in the Merlin project.

Things to Merlin – Transfer selected todos to Merlin

This is a  dream come true for Merlin and Things users: Merlin and Things can finally work together.

With just a few clicks you can now export Merlin activities as todos to Things or import todos from Things as activities into Merlin. The two market-leading applications for project management and personal task management on Mac are finally not only complementary on paper but also in practice. An easy and self-explanatory data exchange workflow, implemented in AppleScript, makes this possible.

This article describes the installation procedure of the scripts and the workflows we specifically defined in the latest Merlin 2.7.9 update for the following 2 use cases:

Prepare your Todos in Things and install the scripts

1. Use case „Transfer tasks to Merlin on the same Mac“

2. Use case „Transfer tasks to Merlin on another Mac“


Work in Things. Create todos in Things and name them. Add on those todos, if required, due dates, tags, notes and may click the todos to define that they are completed


  • Download
  • the scripts

  • Expand the zip archive
  • Copy contained AppleScript Application Packages into the ‘Things Scripts’ directory
    /Users/[your user name]/Library/Containers/com.culturedcode.things/Data/Library/Application Support/Cultured Code/Things Scripts/


  • Restart your Things

Continue reading

Merlin – Transferring your license

When wanting to install Merlin on a new mac and need to transfer your license from the old mac, just check the following path:

HD > Users > Your Username > Library > Application Support > Merlin > Licenses

Copy the license file(s) to the new Mac and download the actual version of Merlin from our website. Finally drag the license onto the Merlin icon.

Have you customized report templates as required for the management of your projects? Saved project templates, advanced searches, column sets or workspaces on your mac and want to transfer those files as well? Just check the paths mentioned here.