Merlin Server – enabling iPhone sharing

enable MerlinServerWe have described in a previous post how to share projects for iPhones, iPads and iPod touches with Merlin for Mac OS X. Now we would like to show how this happens when using MerlinServer.
But a bit of theory first. iPhone sharing on MerlinServer…

  • uses the same port defined in the settings of Web service. Per default 7080 for tcp protocol.
  • the “Forward in router” option in the Web tab influences its address as well.
  • requires an enabled Project Sharing service.

Now to the practical part…

You define in “Project” tab the folder to be shared containing your Merlin projects and check “enabled”.

Project Tab of MerlinServer

Make sure “Forward in router” is enabled in the Web tab when needing to access your project from anywhere over the internet.

Web Tab of MerlinServer

Check “Enabled” in the iPhone tab and start the MerlinServer.

iPhone Tab of MerlinServer

Should you watch the address displayed, you see it first containing locahost, then the local ip address of your mac, and finally -if your router supports UPNP- the external ip address of your router.


Configuration samples for routers not supporting UPNP, or in cases UPNP is not desired, can be found here

FirewallWhen having enabled the Mac OS X Firewall, make sure it is set appropriately. More information about the Firewall setup here

2 thoughts on “Merlin Server – enabling iPhone sharing

  1. Pingback: Merlin Server – Setup web access across networks » MacPM

  2. Pingback: Merlin Server – Setup web access across networks | MacPM

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