Merlin Server – Setup web access across networks

enable MerlinServerWe have described in a previous post how to share projects for iPhones, iPads and iPod touches with Merlin Server.

This post shows how to do the same for enabling access by the web browser across networks. But a bit of theory first.

Web sharing on MerlinServer…

  • uses per default port 7080 for tcp protocol.
  • requires an enabled Project Sharing service.

And the router usually blocks cross networks connections if not mentioned otherwise

Now to the practical part…

  1. You define in “Project” tab the folder to be shared containing your Merlin projects and check “enabled”.
  2. Project Tab of MerlinServer

  3. Make sure “Forward in router” is enabled in the “Web” tab for across network access.
  4. Web Tab of MerlinServer

  5. Now you can start the MerlinServer.
    enable MerlinServer

Should you watch in the “Web” tab for the address, you see it first containing locahost, then the local ip address of your mac, and finally -if your router supports UPNP- the external ip address of your router.

This is the address you can type in a supported web browser to access your Merlin Server across networks. So, in our example…

Configuration samples for routers not supporting UPNP, or in cases UPNP is not desired, can be found here

FirewallWhen having enabled the Mac OS X Firewall, make sure it is set appropriately. More information about the Firewall setup here

For better understanding on the required connection requests please check here

3 thoughts on “Merlin Server – Setup web access across networks

  1. Hello,

    When trying to connect to iPhone from the non-server version of Merlin, it gives me the following error:

    “Either TCP port 7080 is in use by another application or you do not have the system rights to use this port. You can change the TCP port in the sharing preferences.”

    Could you please tell me if you have a fix for this?


  2. This message is typical for situations where Merlin Server AND Merlin are both used to share projects on the same mac.

    If you want to share projects over Merlin, you should switch off Merlin Server (using the ports 7090 and 7080) on that Mac

    If you want to share projects over Merlin on top of those being shared by Merlin Server on that Mac (which is actually not making sense, but you may do so if you like)… just open Merlin > Preferences > Sharing > And redefine the ports from 7080 to let’s say 7081 and 7090 to 7091.

    Your comment concerns more this post, isn’t?

  3. Thanks Vicky, that sorted it!

    I had the trial version of server running also.

    It still doesn’t connect properly as the connection times out or something and I’ve not had time to investigate it properly – but I got rid of that error message! 🙂

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