Setting a common information
Have you ever wanted to set a common information to your resources and wondered how to do so at once? Here is a small Applescript going through all project resources and toggling their ‘is private’ flag, but of course you can modify the sample to set another resource property if you need so…
set userCanceled to false set dialogResult to display dialog "Shall I toggle the private flag of all resources?" ¬ buttons {"Cancel", "OK"} ¬ default button "OK" cancel button "Cancel" if userCanceled then -- do nothing else tell application "Merlin" activate tell first document set TheRes to resources repeat with n in TheRes tell n if is private is true then set is private to false else set is private to true end if end tell end repeat end tell end tell end if
Exporting via Applescript
Here another sample exporting the resources calendar one by another in the ics format for iCal.
property pos : "/export" -- path for the export files, it has to exist on your hard disk set userCanceled to false set dialogResult to display dialog ¬ "Shall I export all resource calendars in " & pos & "?" buttons {"Cancel", "OK"} ¬ default button "OK" cancel button "Cancel" if userCanceled then -- do nothing else tell application "Merlin" activate set doc to front document tell first document set TheRes to resources repeat with n in TheRes tell n set TheName to title of n export doc as iCal file to path (pos & "/merlin(" ¬ & TheName & ").ics") with resource n end tell end repeat end tell end tell end if
I’m trying to make the export iCal script to work and having problem.
I’ve created a merlin(name).ics and add it to iCal.
When I run the script it says the file merlin(name).ics doesn’t exist.
I tried to put it in an export folder but not working either ??
Does anyone had it worked successfully ???
Of course it works 🙂 we had tested this script before posting, but I have tested it once again to make sure just in case…
Does your script is trying to import the exported ics file in iCal automatically?
How are you doing this?
Regards, Vicky
so here is what to do, if you want to re-import the just exported files into iCal
set Thefile to (pos & “/merlin_” & TheName & “.ics”)
tell application “Finder”
open POSIX file Thefile of me
delay 5
end tell
Note: you need a small delay… otherwise the import in iCal would happen much too quickly and you won’t have any time to react on the question, whether to import on the existing calendar or create a new calendar.