Last year we had 53 weeks and met the problem that my customers in some countries did not had 53 weeks but 52. When we in Europe ‘lived’ in week 53, they already start calculating with week 1. Even though we have  the same date, in weeks they are ahead of us.
And now, when I do project management in Merlin I see that this program is also 1 week ahead.
Is there something I can do?
Yes of course, you simply have to make sure that you all use the same ‘calendar’. It all depends on the definition when a week starts. A week starts in Europe on Monday. In the USA and some other countries on Sunday.
This is the Gantt of a project having Sunday as first day of the week:
This is the Gantt of a project having Monday as first day of the week:
Both displays are correct, it is only a question of the desired settings.
If you want to adjust your project calendar in Merlin you simply call the ‘Project Settings…’ and switch to the ‘General’ panel.
Watch a movie at YouTube showing the actions taken.
Is it possible to have week 1 start on a specific week of the year in order to align with our company’s fiscal start date? For example our week 1 is actually the week of February 1, 2010.
Hi Kurt,
Merlin counts the weeks of the year, or these elapsed from the project start & or remaining until the project’s end:
So you can define the 1st of February as the project’s start, and use the following settings for a ruler in Gantt
unit: week
style: Week 1 (From Start)…
I hope this helps.
Best regards and thanks for your comment.
Ah… very useful tip!
It will be good to include this in the Merlin Help Topics, because I was looking for this for a while, then I had to Google it and this page came up.
Sunday is a work day and i can’t seem to adjust the settings otherwise. I have to stretch the activity either before or postpone it after sunday. How can I change this?
Hello Hussain,
standard working days are defined in the project’s calendar. To access it, double click the top most row of your activities view (row 0) and switch to the “working times” inspector. Click onto the sunday and add working internals in the appropriate area of the dialogue.
For a screenshot and more information on the project’s calendar… please check Merlin online help:
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