Merlin: Stretch task

I recently purchased Merlin 2 for project management on my Mac. Good stuff like a lean and mean MS Project, does exactly what I need and no more fortunately. I have also used PSScheduler for some years. They have one task type that saved lots of effort, I call it a stretch task. Might be worth while doing that in Merlin as well.

A stretch task has a start-to-start predecessor and a finish-to-finish successor. It is always automatically as long as necessary to fulfill constraints. So if the successor goes back in time, a stretch task automatically becomes longer…

It is always great to read such support email requests. Accolades for the software, combined by a wish for a new feature already existing, so here you are:

A stretch task in Merlin and how to set it in 4 simple steps.


  1. Link task 1 and task 2 by  ‘Start – Start’.
  2. Link task 2 and task 3 by ‘Finish – Finish’.
  3. Set the end of task 2 to ‘as late as possible’.
  4. There is no step 4 😉

You may want to check attached screencast