Merlin – Do a bit of magic in reports – Part IX

Those of you who have checked our new post series about “Merlin report templates” know by now…

Now let’s do some magic with the reports.

What if you want to report expected or actual resources’ work per phase?

We have used the report template as posted in this thread of Merlin’s user forum in Google.

Changed the methods asking for resource costs to ask for resource expected or actual work.

And modified the workPerPhase method to add work durations and find totals for expected or actual work on assignments on sub tasks for each resource.

Making it flexible:

To make the report more flexible we have inserted an option to output total work or not.


An output sample:

And the report options:


  • Extract the zip first
  • place the contained mrept package under the following path of your mac: ~/Library/Application Support/Merlin/Reports
  • (in case you have no “Reports” folder please create it first and pay attention to name it exactly as “Reports”)
  • restart your Merlin and
  • call File > New Report… to find the new report called “Resource Work per Phase ”.