Merlin – Do a bit of magic in Merlin reports – PART XXIII

Those of you who do project management with Merlin on your Mac  and have checked our post series explaining how to create custom templates for Merlin reports, know by now…

Now let’s do some magic with the reports.

URLs report

Merlin for Mac OS X allows you to attach elements onto your project structures to keep track of additional information. As you probably already know, you can use 5 element kinds; events, files, information, issues, risks or checklists.

On some kinds of elements you may record among other project related data also URLs.

This report outputs all URLs recorded in [the elements of] your project. The report uses standard techniques explained in previous posts to filter for project elements containing following valid URL prefixes, i.e.  ‘http://’ or ‘file:///’.

Iterates those elements and shows its URL, element  and item item.

Please remember: Custom Merlin reports we provide as templates, can be downloaded and used for free. Furthermore, you may modify and distribute as you like and find appropriate.

URLs in a sample project in Merlin:


An output sample:


  • Extract the zip first
  • place the contained mrept package under the following path of your mac: ~/Library/Application Support/Merlin/Reports
  • (in case you have no “Reports” folder please create it first and pay attention to name it exactly as “Reports”)
  • restart your Merlin and
  • call File > New Report… to find the new report called “URLs Report”.