(To request an invite, please email dave@projectwizards.net)
Project Manager or Mac user? For a long time you had to be one or the other, but the two are no longer mutually exclusive. Whether you want to manage your projects and day-to-day work on a Mac, an iPad or an iPhone, now there are tools available that are robust enough to allow us to work in the system in which we feel most at home, and which allow us to be the most productive.
Please join us for a very special evening at the Walnut Street Apple Store (1607 Walnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19103) on April 6 at 7:00 PM for an opportunity to network with local Mac using thought leaders in Project Management. You’ll be treated to presentation showcasing a number of Mac based tools that have all been field tested and proven to enable successful project management.  Whether you’ve just picked up an iPad 2, or you’ve been using a Mac for years, you’ll pick up some great tips to raise your game as a PM and a get chance to win some great prizes. Continue reading