MANAGING PROJECTS WITH THE MAC – Special Event April 6, 2011 Walnut St. Apple Store in Philadelphia

(To request an invite, please email

Project Manager or Mac user? For a long time you had to be one or the other, but the two are no longer mutually exclusive. Whether you want to manage your projects and day-to-day work on a Mac, an iPad or an iPhone, now there are tools available that are robust enough to allow us to work in the system in which we feel most at home, and which allow us to be the most productive.

Please join us for a very special evening at the Walnut Street Apple Store (1607 Walnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19103) on April 6 at 7:00 PM for an opportunity to network with local Mac using thought leaders in Project Management. You’ll be treated to presentation showcasing a number of Mac based tools that have all been field tested and proven to enable successful project management.  Whether you’ve just picked up an iPad 2, or you’ve been using a Mac for years, you’ll pick up some great tips to raise your game as a PM and a get chance to win some great prizes. Continue reading

The iPad2 and Project Management

Last year when Apple unveiled the iPad, I, along with countless others were overcome with that all too familiar craving for new gear from Cupertino. Having tried and quickly abandoned several tablets running the other operating system, I was hopeful that the iPad would gain the acceptance it has rightfully earned, but as a project manager, I was mostly curious about how this new device would fit in with my job. The Windows tablets I had tried in the past always seemed to make my job harder. So, when I purchased it, I wasn’t exactly sure what I was going to do it… but like I said… The craving…

Since then I’ve found a number of ways the original iPad enables me in managing projects and best of all, I’m able to use it with Merlin. And now, we have the iPad 2. Continue reading

Lessons From The Yurt  – An Interview with Kathy Compton from Panda Transport

Panda TransportThis is one of my all time favorite interviews. Last fall I had the great fortune to meet Kathy Compton and Theirry Holoweck from Panda Transport at the Øredev 2010 conference. One of the really unique things about Panda Transport is that this two person band exists 1/2 in the US and 1/2 in France. In talking to them I realized that those of us who struggle with offshore have a lot to learn from the music world. Kathy has focuses in using vocal techniques and body language as ways  of making herself a more effective performer – to me, this ties directly back to a PMs ability to utilize body language, emotional intelligence, etc. to be more effective in our jobs.

This part one of the interview. Part 2 will be posted in a week or so.

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Macworld 2011 for Project Managers – Day 1 Recap

It has been a busy couple of days for ProjectWizards. Earlier this week Frank Blome and I taught a Merlin class here in San Francisco and it was a great success. We had Architects, Marine Biologists, folks from Apple, Google and a number of other companies. After some meetings yesterday we got set for the 2011 Macworld Expo to start today. Continue reading