Øredev 2010 Wrap Up

Someone should give Michael Tiberg a cape!ØREDEV

I’m just back from Øredev 2010 and it was awesome! I am very fortunate in that I have the opportunity to attend and speak at a lot of conferences but none of them are like Øredev.

For the unfamiliar, Øredev is held each fall in Malmo, Sweden. It is put on by Jayway and organized by Michael Tiberg and Emily Holweck (who should also get a cape). This year they drew over 1,000 attendees from all over the world. The primary focus of the conference is development, but the topics addressed cover such a wide range that there is never a moment when you can’t find something that will spark your interest. Continue reading

Project Alphabet

Project alphabetSurely… every profession has its own jargon. A special glossary defining pretty precisely and effectively the work, tools or procedures of this profession. Such a jargon often sounds like a completely different language to outsiders. Let me try and give an example on this. Have you heard a pilot giving flight relevant information or the reasons of a delay? Were you always able to understand what was said? Not really? Well, that’s fine. It’s more than enough when the other crew members and the flight control do 😉

So… if you are a project manager  or stakeholder in a running project you too use a special language and alphabet which may sound unfamiliar to others. Here you see Elizabeth Harrin’s attempt to list it. A stands for Activity, B for Baseline, C for Change, etc

I bet that’s not Greek to you, is it?   😉

The Art of War for Project Managers 1.1 – Analysis

“This is war.
It is the most important skill in the nation.
It is the basis of life and death.
It is the philosophy of survival or destruction.
You must know it well.” *

In Sun Tzu’s world, war was a heavy thing. Brutal, costly, painful and only to be taken on when it was absolutely necessary. Continue reading