Merlin for Mac – print a project image along with your scheduling

When using Merlin for Mac to plan your projects, you are mostly editing and updating the Merlin project on your Mac, by a web browser or the iOS device. From time to time however you may want to print your scheduling to paper. There are various ways to output the views. You may include or exclude the Gantt charts of the Activities or Utilization views, or add headers & footers to be repeated on every print page. If you want to print a project image along with your scheduling, please check here how to do so.

You insert the project image in the project settings of the Merlin project and select it in the print settings. Merlin for Mac allows you to place the image in 6 possible positions (as header or footer, in left, middle or right area), to scale it as you find appropriate, or change its opacity. Headers and footers are repeated on every page and placed as background objects. If placed the project image in the headers, you would need to adjust the top margin in the ‘General’ area of the print options dialogue.  For images in the footer area, you would adjust the bottom margin. The print options dialogue  shows in its left area a preview of the printout, when you are happy with the result you can the results to a printer  or create a PDF file.

Merlin – Save printing options

Save Workspace

How to save printing options of a Merlin project?

Printing settings are usually saved in the project but you may also select to save them in a workspace to be able to switch from printing options to printing options.
To save a workspace, just call “Window” > “Save Workspace

If you don’t want to save in the workspace  any other settings, you should expand the shown groups, disable all other options except of the “print options“.

Decide whether to save the workspace in the project and have it available just in the current project or for all Merlin projects.

To activate a saved workspace, call “Window > “Workspaces” > [your workspace]