Merlin is very customizable. There is always more than one way to do the things you would like to do, giving you thus the flexibility to choose your preferable work flow. Consider the insertion of activities. You can press command + N, call Insert > Activity, right click the outlines, the Gantt or net plan area to get the context dialog wherefrom you can select Insert > Activity, paste a copied activity from the same or another project, or drag & drop a predefined activity out of Merlin’s Library.
So it won’t come as a surprise to you, that there are various work flows when wanting to link activities. You can use the according button on the function bar, call the command (Edit > Link activities), Â type successor or predecessor on the columns or in the inspector, press command + control + L to link the selection ‘finish to start’.
One possibility you might not know by now, is linking activities graphically.