Hi, this is me Perri…
you probably know that during my internship by ProjectWizards, I am not only up to learn how to use Merlin, but also more about project management.
So while searching the internet for understandable documentation to Scrum, I came up with a post listing its basics. I really liked the 3 questions on the daily scrums when doing the sprint:
- What did I do since our last daily scrum?
- What am I planning to do until the next daily scrum?
- What is stopping me to do what I plan to do?
I also see a great benefit in the sprint retrospect with the next 3 questions:
- What went well?
- What can be improved?
- What will we focus on improving in the next sprint?
I intend to plan my work to meet the scrum basics. It really makes sense and I am very curious to see  how it helps me delivering successful projects.