iPhone wakes creative instincts

iPhone Film Festival is a very interesting website we have just found. Created and designed to give artists an avenue to show their talent and creativity, it contains currently more than 800 submissions. April 6th, 2011 is the iPhone Film Festival day. Until then everyone can submit new works. There are some rules of submission though; the entire film for example must be shot with an iPhone or iPod Touch, any software can be used for editing video and audio and external microphones, wide angle lens, lighting, or tripods are allowed.

My personal favorites so far are the ones I’ve embedded here: Continue reading

Great ideas

The last 3 days we have had our regular team meeting. It was very productive, enlightening and fun for yet again another time. Infrastructure worked, people were willing to share information and did so in a comprensible way, ideas came up, decisions were made and our team culture grew.

So being back and retrospecting the past few days I am considering the lessons learned from this last trip:

  1. It’s always great when meetings are successful, but it sure takes a certain amount of preparation otherwise you can be sure they will fail. Need some tips about that? That’s fine, just check out this post… Continue reading