WWDC: New iPhone, New MacBooks, Safari 4, and Snow Leopard

It’s become a tradition for Apple to announce new products at the WWDC Developer conference. True to form, Apple did not disappoint this year with the unveiling of the new iPhone 3G S, iPhone 3.0 Software Update, updated MacBooks, Safari 4, and the unveiling of  Mac OS X Snow Leopard.

Check out the Apple Press Releases for the official “word” or better yet, watch the  WWDC Keynote Address where all the action took place.

The Keynote – Lack of Luster

Now that we’ve had a day or so and allowed the Keynote settle into our brains, what did you think about it? I’ve been hearing from many that it was a bit disappointing as there was lots of show but nothing really that had that WOW! effect.

I mean weren’t most of the features presented at this Keynote also a part of last year’s Keynote? I can very well remember Spaces and Time Machine from last year’s Keynote.

Although, I did feel a bit underwhelmed at the end of the Keynote, I am still pretty excited about Leopard. It is going to be a cool update and I cannot tell you how badly I have been waiting for a feature like Stacks to come around. Actually, the idea is so simple, it is ingenious.

How about Safari 3 for Windows? It’s certainly an interesting and strategic move from Apple but does it rate that famous “One more thing!”?

One thing that had me going “Huh?” was the announcement of the new Dashboard widget for movies. Sure a nifty little widget but presenting it at the WWDC to 5,000 developers? Huh?

Like I keep saying I am not a developer but to those who are reading this – does this kind of news make you get all hot and excited?

I’d really love to hear your thoughts on this. What did you think of the Keynote and what is the feature you are most looking forward to to in Leopard?

WWDC – Here We Come!

Our developer team is probably looking forward to their upcoming trip to San Francisco to attend the WWDC. Although I am not a techie myself, but every year I just get a buzz when I hear their stories of all the exciting happenings and interesting new ideas.

Any of you attending? What are you looking forward to the most?

How Green is Apple?

I am catching up on my reading and had to discuss the latest letter from Steve Jobs (Apple CEO) – A Greener Apple.

The letter actually is aimed towards Greenpeace and other environmental organizations who claim that the computer and consumer electronics company is not doing its part to protect the environment. So, Steve addresses them in this letter. He discusses how Apple is removing toxic chemicals from the products, how they recycle the products and also discusses the “future”.

I found the letter to be very open and straight forward, which is very unlike Apple. The apology at the end of the letter, “We apologize for leaving you in the dark for this long,” reinstates this thought.

However, if this piece is anything compared to his previous letter, Thoughts on Music, which created a tidal wave of discussions in the industry and record companies eliminating DRM on some of their products, I am keen to see what this letter brings.

Any thoughts?