Using Merlin – testimonial

MouseWorks is a small shop specializing in designing and deploying Identity And Access Management Solutions. These are often very complex and totally integrated enterprise solutions.

As a hard core Project Manager, I have struggled with the industry standard of MS Project for years and found that I spent more time managing the tool and the tools to support the tool than I wanted and was always less than confident in the visibility provided by the product.

Earlier this year, I took a risk and tried Merlin on a large project. Awesome tool. The ease of use and transparency it provides into the project were a fantastic and I finally felt I had a tool to support me. I purchased the iPhone license for my iPad today and in the last couple of hours, I can already say that this is a fantastic add on. More PM’s need to move to a Mac just to use this tool.


by Joe Power owner and Identity Access Management Specialist at MouseWorks Inc

iPhone wakes creative instincts

iPhone Film Festival is a very interesting website we have just found. Created and designed to give artists an avenue to show their talent and creativity, it contains currently more than 800 submissions. April 6th, 2011 is the iPhone Film Festival day. Until then everyone can submit new works. There are some rules of submission though; the entire film for example must be shot with an iPhone or iPod Touch, any software can be used for editing video and audio and external microphones, wide angle lens, lighting, or tripods are allowed.

My personal favorites so far are the ones I’ve embedded here: Continue reading

Øredev 2010 Wrap Up

Someone should give Michael Tiberg a cape!ØREDEV

I’m just back from Øredev 2010 and it was awesome! I am very fortunate in that I have the opportunity to attend and speak at a lot of conferences but none of them are like Øredev.

For the unfamiliar, Øredev is held each fall in Malmo, Sweden. It is put on by Jayway and organized by Michael Tiberg and Emily Holweck (who should also get a cape). This year they drew over 1,000 attendees from all over the world. The primary focus of the conference is development, but the topics addressed cover such a wide range that there is never a moment when you can’t find something that will spark your interest. Continue reading

Understanding connection requests

Collaboration is essential in project management. Merlin supports PMs in their every day work in that it allows collaboration to their projects over 3 kinds of interfaces. Once a project has been shared with either Merlin for Mac OS X or Merlin Server, it may be accessed by other Merlin for Mac OS X applications (acting as clients), supported web browsers or iOS devices.

How does this work?
The short answer is: “easily“. For the longer answer please read here Continue reading