When scheduling a project in Merlin and want to know whether you are on time or in delay… just watch the Gantt chart.
Grey bars show planned values, coloured your actual progress as you go. Is the last activity of your project displayed in the timeline earlier than its according grey element? In this case you may expect to be finished before the planned end. Is your last activity displayed later than its grey pair? So you are late.
If you prefer numbers than visual information, just enable the display of the columns “expected end date” and “planned end date” in the outline. As you update your project and enter actual values on it, expected values change to show the new updated situation. Check those values on the top most row of the outline (which is a handle to your project) and subtract them manually to have an numerical answer to the question: Am I on time…
In case you do prefer using your time for PM tasks and not for simple maths, you may call the following AppleScript and let it do the necessary subtraction for you.
(* Scripting with Merlin 2
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This script checks planned and expected end dates of the top most opened project and informs about it being on time, in delay, or earlier as expected.
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