Øredev 2010 Wrap Up

Someone should give Michael Tiberg a cape!ØREDEV

I’m just back from Øredev 2010 and it was awesome! I am very fortunate in that I have the opportunity to attend and speak at a lot of conferences but none of them are like Øredev.

For the unfamiliar, Øredev is held each fall in Malmo, Sweden. It is put on by Jayway and organized by Michael Tiberg and Emily Holweck (who should also get a cape). This year they drew over 1,000 attendees from all over the world. The primary focus of the conference is development, but the topics addressed cover such a wide range that there is never a moment when you can’t find something that will spark your interest. Continue reading

Understanding connection requests

Collaboration is essential in project management. Merlin supports PMs in their every day work in that it allows collaboration to their projects over 3 kinds of interfaces. Once a project has been shared with either Merlin for Mac OS X or Merlin Server, it may be accessed by other Merlin for Mac OS X applications (acting as clients), supported web browsers or iOS devices.

How does this work?
The short answer is: “easily“. For the longer answer please read here Continue reading

Merlin Server – enabling iPhone sharing

enable MerlinServerWe have described in a previous post how to share projects for iPhones, iPads and iPod touches with Merlin for Mac OS X. Now we would like to show how this happens when using MerlinServer.
But a bit of theory first. iPhone sharing on MerlinServer…

  • uses the same port defined in the settings of Web service. Per default 7080 for tcp protocol.
  • the “Forward in router” option in the Web tab influences its address as well.
  • requires an enabled Project Sharing service.

Now to the practical part… Continue reading

Merlin iPhone 1.1 with support for iPad is out!


The new version 1.1 of Merlin iPhone comes with support for iPhone 4 and iPad. The handling of the mobile Merlin does not change, it’s still the same ease of use. The new version is optimized for the Retina Display of the iPhone 4 and the bigger iPad display.

Merlin iPhone can be downloaded for free from the Apple App Strore. With the new update Merlin iPhone supports all versions of iPhone, iPad touch and iPad. More information about Merlin iPhone can be found on our website in the “Products” section.

Stateside 7-2-10

Frank Illenberger

Frank Illenberger

My Project Potion interview with AVTechnology.com Editor Kevin Hogan on emerging telepresence technology went live this week.  For those of you (like me) who are not hip to the new AV lingo, “emerging telepresence technology” can be interpreted as new video conferencing stuff. It was a rare thing for me to be able to interview Kevin, not just because he had a lot of insightful information and ideas about what changes we should expect in the way of AV tech impacting our ability to communicate with teams in other countries, but also because Kevin is one of my oldest and closest friends. There were a few signal dropouts in the recording, but whaddaya gonna do – it ‘s Skype. You can find the video here.

This week I also had the opportunity to interview Frank Illenberger, Lead Developer for ProjectWizards. We discussed WWDC, the iPad, the iPhone4 and how those devices may impact the project management workscape. Continue reading