Merlin – Do a bit of magic in Merlin reports – PART XXII

Those of you who do project management with Merlin on your Mac  and have checked our post series explaining how to create custom templates for Merlin reports, know by now…

Now let’s do some magic with the reports.

Resource Groups’ or Roles’ Units Utilization Distribution

The resources of a project you plan with Merlin for Mac OS X may be grouped by role or resource group. If you want to know how many of your resources are scheduled as a time distribution, this custom report is implemented to output it in a table and plot it as a line chart.  The report uses standard techniques explained in previous posts to iterate in project’s date intervals, asks the project resources’ groups or roles, iterates in their assignments and calculates the amount of resources as a function of time.

In the report options you may select whether you want to output groups or roles and select a color for the line chart plotted for the totals.

Please remember: Custom Merlin reports we provide as templates, can be downloaded and used for free. Furthermore, you may modify and distribute as you like and find appropriate.

An output sample:


Available options… Continue reading

Merlin – Address Book Contacts on Mountain Lion

I would like to add resources into my Merlin project from the mac Address Book. When I look in the Merlin library the Address Book icon is there but I can’t seem to get it to populate with any contacts. When I drag and drop a contact from my Address Book on to the resources list, it adds a new resource but doesn’t provide any of the contact information. I am using the latest Merlin for Mac OS X version on a current OS X 10.8.x (Mountain Lion)- Can you help?


When working on Mountain Lion, you should allow Merlin to access the Address Book contacts. If this is not the case, Merlin won’t be able to list those contacts in the Library or provide contact information.
So please check System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy > Contacts > …Â